Major Manson's Survival Tips
1. Follow your Commander's orders explicitly. Don't be comin' into the ISDF thinking you're some hot shot pilot who knows the badlands of Titan like the back of your hand. Listen up, and do what your CO tells you.
2. Learn to strafe. This is the single most important battle tactic in ship-to-ship combat. Strafing will keep you alive in the battles to come.
3. Use your weapons effectively! Mortars at a distance, mines when the enemy is chasing you, cannons when the enemy is lightly armored, and rockets when you need to blast a crater in their hull.
4. Always keep a spare scavenger handy. This will allow you to command it to scavenge for battlefield scrap which could provide you with that extra Assault Tank.
5. Find that Scrap! The key to most wars is the ability to control the supply lines. Don't let those scrap mines go untapped. Get Scavenger's onto the open mines and get 'em producing.
6. Upgrade your mines. After deploying your Scavenger's, and collecting enough scrap, get a Constructor out and upgrade those mines. They'll collect scrap much faster.
7. Two Constructors. In those large battles, build more than one Constructor. This will allow you to have one on the front lines advancing with Gun Towers, while the other remains back at your base to build more Power plants if necessary.
Grouping your units. Learn the keyboard commands to group your units and group them. Don't ask why! Just do it.9.
Build queues. After beginning to build a specific unit, the building can be again selected and ordered to build another of the same unit. Or hold down the Shift key to build multiple units. You can use this tactic to build several of the same units while you keep on fighting.10.
Weapon loadouts. If you want to change the weapons on the ships your factory produces, enter the Factory and interface with the Build menu. You can use this menu to select the exact weapons your ships are produced with.11. Scion morphing. I've heard that those sneaky aliens can actually morph their ship to change the weapons loadouts and ship's performance. I'd love to get my hands on one of those ships and reverse engineer that. 'Course, maybe I'll just snipe one of 'em and take it for a Texas joyride, heh heh.
12. Oh yeah, don't forget to check your e-mail. Even in the ISDF, orders change and the best way to make sure you're on the right program is to
remember to check that e-mail.