ISDF Personnel File
Subject: Dr. Armond Braddock
Meyers-Briggs Personality Classification: ESTJ
Dr. Braddock presents as a classic manifestation of the genius-level achiever. After performing extremely well at MIT, completing his undergraduate degree at an early age, he was immediately accepted into the Ph.D. research program. There, his facility for applied chemistry and physics brought him to the attention of the NSDF, after his name appeared on an article in the Journal of Astrophysics regarding the propulsion properties of inorganic elements.
Psychological evaluation reveals a strong sense of drive, a need to succeed that could become problematic if left unchecked. Dr. Braddock appears to have a strong sense of self-worth and a highly-developed Ego.
Though he occasionally chose the objective over the individual in mock scenario testing, his proven loyalty to the NSDF and his lack of family ties makes him a strong candidate for officer promotion.
Subject: Lieutenant Henry Manson
Meyers-Briggs Personality Classification: ENTJ
Lt. Manson was recruited to the ISDF by Colonel Braddock and referred by Major Shemin of the U.S. Navy Seals after his extraordinary work on undercover operations in Iran.
He presents as a good candidate for ISDF officer promotion, mainly due to his strong loyalty and sense of duty. Lt. Manson does have some past psychological issues (the premature death of a parent and sibling), but he seems to have adjusted to military life quite well. He refers to his squad as his "family," and consistently mentions his missions, his colleagues, and his country when faced with a Rorschach test.
Though he perhaps has not steeled himself to the possibility
of death and disaster as well as he should, Lt. Manson is still a strong
candidate for ISDF secret operations, due to his strong loyalty and sense
of duty.
Subject: Yelena Shabayev
Meyers-Briggs Personality Classification: ISFJ
Yelena Shabayev was referred to the ISDF after performing undercover operations for the FSB and infiltrating the highest levels of the CIA. Punishment at this stage would only waste her talents. Recruitment is the preferred option.
Ms. Shabayev presents as a qualified candidate, a strong inquisitor and researcher with genius-level IQ. She seems particularly concerned with regulations and record-keeping, and adverse to the guerrilla tactics of some of her colleagues.
Ms. Shabayev does seem somewhat overly concerned with keeping procedures "by the book," which may result in poor decision-making skills in the heat of combat. She also may be a liability with top-secret information, as her sense of justice seems overdeveloped. But she is a fierce competitor and a highly-intelligent achiever.
If her loyalty can be completely assured, then Ms. Shabayev is a remarkable candidate for the ISDF.
Subject: John Cooke
Meyers-Briggs Personality Classification: ENFP
Private Cooke’s strongest asset at this stage is his enthusiasm. Though he does have strong family ties, I believe that his curiosity and innate thirst for knowledge could override any desires that might keep him earth-bound.
Private Cooke also appears fairly malleable, a quality which could make him a strong mid-level officer. His patriotism is evident, and when presented with ethical dilemmas, he seems adept at pinpointing the result that’s best for the ISDF collective.